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Using the format list (ASCII text file import)
To relieve the work on log conversion, LM offers options to save once defined formats, to reload them if needed and to maintain stored formats. After the first installation you will find a number of already pre-defined formats in the list.
You get access to the format list in the group box "Data format" of the ASCII text file import dialog.
If the active format is known to you then enable the radio button "Known". That setting grants you access to the list of the known formats. Otherwise, enable the radio button "New" and define a new format as described here.
For each format an appropriate file extension can be assigned. If the file to be converted has one of the known extensions, LM will load the appropriate format automatically. In this case, the radio button "Known" will be enabled and the list of known formats is activated. If the file extension is not assignable, the radio button "New" will be enabled.
At the top right border of the Data format group box you will find a tiny toolbar that offers the following facilities to maintain the formats:
Insert the new format into the format list
Here you can insert a new format into the format list. The assigned tool bar button is accessible only, if the radio button „New" is enabled. The extension of the active loaded file will be assigned to the new format automatically. You can change the extension at any time by selecting the format in the list, editing the changes and resaving the format list again (see "Saves the active format list with all changes").
Remove the active item from the format list
By pressing this button the active format will be removed from the List.
Reset all columns positions to zero
This function can be useful, if you need to redefine a format from scratch and you want to clear all the ranges (from … to) by one mouse click.
Saves the active format list with all changes
Here the format list will be stored with all the active changes. The format list will be stored with the file name „FileFormatList.lm" within the LM program data folder (subdirectory \Encoded). You will find a backup copy of this file there in the subdirectory „Backup". Files that have been stored in the „Backup" folder will keep their original name plus an additional continuous number, starting at 0 (e.g. „FileFormatList.lm.0").
Rename active format list item
This function you can use to rename an existing format list item.
See also
ASCII text file import (overview)
How to use the ASCII import dialog
Import of foreign formats to LM