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Clipboard format for copied QSOs
(For advanced Windows users only)
After copying the QSO fields are present in the clipboard as tab-separated strings in the following order:
LM identification („@LM@")
Number of sent exchanged numbers (NoOfSent)
Number of received exchanged numbers (NoOfRcvd)
Number of multipliers (NoOfMulties)
Identification, if it is a QSO (=0), a sent (=1) or a received (=2) QTC
Number of comment lines (NoOfComments)
Date (day)
Date (month)
Date (year)
Time (HHMM)
Band (0=160m ... 8=10m ... 19=SAT)
Mode (0=CW, 1=SSB, 2=RTTY)
Call sign
Sent RST
Received RST
NoOfSent sent exchanged numbers
NoOfRcvd received exchanged numbers
NoOfMulties multipliers
NoOfComments comment lines
QSO in the OK/OM-DX-Contest with OK1VD at 15.Nov.1998, 1041UTC on 40m CW, sent 599 37, received 599 FPA (multi), 1 point:
@LM@ 1 1 1 0 0 15 11 1998 1041 2 0 OK1VD 599 599 37 FPA FPA 1
Thus you may use the copy and paste functions as a simple interface to a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel). Just copy the QSO in LM and paste it in your spreadsheet. There you can delete not needed columns (e.g. 1..6).
Excel tip: Before pasting the QSOs, select the complete Excel table and set all the columns to the property „Text only". If that is not done, Excel will misinterpret some pasted data.
See also
Copy and paste QSOs
Actions with selected QSOs