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QW import
LM is able to read QW binary files of version 4 (file extension BIN). Basically every predefined QW contest can be used for operating during the contest (including the VHF contests). LM defines always the lowest band as 160m and the highest band as 10m (QW works internally with values from 1 to 6 equivalent to the order in the QRG window bottom right, definable via Alt+B in the QW main menu).
Because of the option to define contests in QW by the user itself, ambiguities during the import may happen. Complications are possible especially at contest where (before conversion) is not clear if the exchanged number is a continuous number or an alphanumeric number. The separation of the different kinds of exchanged numbers is a bit rigorous in QW. In any case, do a test before the contest.
For the QTC file import (affects the WAEDC only) please note that the names of both the BIN and the QTC file have to correspond (e.g. DL0XM.BIN and DL0XM.QTC) and that both files are located within the same directory. To involve a QTC file in the CT data convert automatically, the option "Convert additionally QTC file if available" in the Options dialog has to be enabled.
Menu: File | Import | QW data files (*.bin)
See also
Import of foreign formats to LM