- Index
The options dialog
All the options that have been set in the dialog will be stored within the Windows registry and will be restored at the next LM session. You can reach the options dialog via the menu item "Options | Environment options".
Tab "File import"
Always save as CALLSIGN.lmf: If enabled, the converted data will be stored with the call sign as the file name (e.g. „DL0XM.lmf"). Alternatively the LMF file will be stored with the name of the source file (only the extension changes).
Ignore default path: LMF files, that are converted from a foreign format, are stored into the "Default path for LM logs" by default (see LM file structure). The option "Ignore default path" allows to store the destination file (LMF) within the source folder instead of the default path when converting a foreign file.
Exchanged numbers
Accept letters and figures only (concerns CT- and ASCII text file import): If enabled, only letters and figures will be accepted while converting exchanged numbers from a file. All other characters will be ignored.
STF Import
Show extended field assignment dialog: If enabled, a dialog will be displayed before converting STF files. That Dialog allows a flexible assignment of STF fields to LM fields. It makes sense e.g. in such cases, if the default assignment of exchanged numbers between LM and STF does not fit.
BIN File Import (CT, QW)
Convert additionally QTC-File if available (concerns WAEDC contest only): If enabled, while converting a BIN file LM looks for a QTC file as well. LM is able to read BIN and QTC files from both CT and QW. It is a precondition, that both files have the same name and the correct default extension (BIN and QTC). If available, the QTC file will be converted and involved into the active log as well.
Tab „File export"
ADIF Export
Show extended configuration dialog: If enabled, the dialog to configure the ADIF export will be interposed when the menu item for ADIF export has been chosen (e.g. File - Export - ADIF). See also: ADIF export configuration
STF Export
Put out additional field for DXCC country ("Cty"): If enabled, any QSO in an STF output will be appended by an additional field "Cty" that contains the WAE-/DXCC country identification. See also: Export log into other formats
Add comments to STF QSO lines: If enabled, linked comments to each QSO will be stored together with the QSO data as QSO comment line when writing STF files. What's the background? LMF based contest crosscheck software saves UBN notes (e.g. why a QSO has been deleted) as comment to each QSO. By enabling this option, a written STF file is both, a log and an UBN file.
See also: Export log in other formats
Tab „Editor"
The currently only option on that tab is "Always set optimal column width automatically". If enabled, LM has got the control on the column widths of the log editor. LM will match them automatically to the appropriate size.
For details see: Control editor column widths
Tab „Compilation"
Before compiling...
Sort log by time: If enabled, the log will be sorted chronological before compiling.
Remove QSOs with empty call signs: If enabled, all QSOs with empty call signs will be removed from the log before compiling.
Band/Mode not allowed
LM checks, if bands and modes are allowed for the specific contest. By default, the user will not be able to choose other bands and modes than the allowed ones in the log editor. But anyway, it's possible that invalid band/mode values are in the log (e.g. after importing a foreign log format). Using the options Count QSO with 0 points if Band is not allowed and Count QSO with 0 points if Mode is not allowed you become able to define if LM should give points for such QSOs or not. By default both options are enabled (LM counts 0 points). See also: Handling of incorrect QSOs
Please note: A disabled option Count QSO with 0 points if Band is not allowed makes also no sense due to that in the result overview table only allowed bands will be displayed.
Tab „E-Mail addresses"
Here is the right place to edit the contest related E-Mail-Addresses for log submissions (see Send log by E-Mail).
Tab „E-Mail preferences"
E-Mail Typ
Integrated E-Mail client ("SMTP"): The E-Mail will be sent with help of the integrated E-Mail client . LM works like an stand-alone E-Mail application then.
Default E-Mail application: The E-Mail will be created based on the installed default E-Mail application using the so called MAPI interface and can be sent from there. If that option is selected, all further configuration parameters SMTP and Sender (see below) are irrelevant.
To become able to send a log as E-Mail attachment using the integrated E-Mail client, certain configuration parameter of your E-Mail account must be known. If you are unsure about one or another detail, try to get help by having a look into the configuration of your default E-Mail application.
SMTP host: SMTP server address of your E-Mail provider. A list of SMTP servers is e.g. available here.
SMTP port: Port number to access the SMTP server. Common default port number is 25.
User name: Your user name
Password: Your password
Sender E-Mail address: You E-Mail address, which appears as sender in the sent E-Mail later on. Please note that most of the E-Mail providers refuse to forward an E-Mail, if the sender address is not one of their registered users. That means, the sender E-Mail address must be valid and correct.
Send an E-Mail copy to my own address: If enabled, a copy of the E-Mail will be sent to yourself. That way is recommended because it offers an option to comprehend exactly the way your sent E-Mail looks like at the contest editor side.
It's recommended to save all configuration data, at least all data except user name and password. If one of these both information are pre-configured, a separate dialog will prompt you to enter these data right prior sending the E-Mail. It's a matter of course that saved passwords will be encrypted.
See Send log by E-Mail
Tab „Paths"
That's the place to edit the directories which LM uses to store and to reload user generated files like logs and E-Mails by default (see LM file structure).
Menu: Options | Environment options...
See also
Import foreign formats to LM
Log compilation
Send log as E-Mail
Assignment tables
Handling of incorrect QSOs