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The LM log editor (overview)
The log editor is the "heart" of LM. The editor is separated into two parts:
The input area (upper area)
The output area (lower area)
The input area is the log editor itself. Here you will find the chronological QSO data in a tabular view. You can edit the log at any place you want. Note, that the columns for multipliers and points are not accessible.
See also: Edit QSO data
The output area provides different ways to output your log into a standard format (e.g. STF, Cabrillo) per mouse click. Basically, the output area is a collection of simple text editors. The shown data there correspond to the data in the later text files. Data in the output area can be edited, stored, printed or sent as an E-Mail.
See also: The output area
To apply multipliers, points, results, statistics etc. to changes of QSO data within the input area and also to refresh the formatted logs in the output area, just call the Compile function (Key F5).
LM is a so-called MDI application (multiple document interface). That means, that you can open multiple logs at the same time and you are able to move QSO data between the logs using the Copy & Paste function. The buttons in the toolbar refer to the active focused log.
See also
Edit QSO data
The output area
Compile function
Search in the log
Move QSOs within the same minute
Copy and paste QSOs
Actions with selected QSOs