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Edit QSO-Data
The input area is the log editor itself. Here you will find the chronological QSO data in a schedular view.
Please note some general remarks:
To edit the data of a single field you just have to select the field by mouse or alternatively you can move to the field by keyboard (change rows by Up/Down, change columns by Tab/Shift+Tab). If it is necessary to enable the field for the edit modus explicitly (e.g. to drop down the lists for Band or Mode), you have to press F2 or any letter key. Pressing Enter will take over the changed data and the input focus moves to the next line within the active column.
One of the basic ideas of LM is, that you type your data column-oriented. That means, that you type a number of call signs first, after this the corresponding UTC fields and the exchanged numbers later on. But you don't have to do it that way; you can move between the columns within the active row using the key Tab (next column right hand side) or Shift+Tab (previous column left hand side) as well.
Column „Nr"
This column is to number the lines consecutively. This column cannot be edited and is good for a better navigation within the log only.
Column „Selection" (this column has no title)
You can select a QSO by mouse click within this column. With selected QSOs you can perform a couple of Actions. A QSO is selected if there is a in the "selection" column.
Column „Date"
Here is the place for the QSO date. To edit the date just click in the edit field and type the new date or use the arrow keys to change the date up / down. A more comfortable way is to click on the little arrow button at the right corner of the selected date edit. You will see a small data edit dialog. How it looks like depends on the Windows version you are using.
Column „Band"
The drop-down lists in this column are to define the used band of the QSO. The drop-down list always shows only allowed bands according to the specific contest rules. That may be just one single band (e.g. 10m-Contest) or all bands (DXpedition).
Column „Mode"
Here is the place to define the mode of the QSO. The drop-down list always contains any supported mode (CW, SSB, RTTY).
Column „Call"
This column is to edit the call sign. If the „Fast append mode" is active, a Return on the last line performs an Append a new QSOs action automatically.
Column „UTC"
Here is the place to edit the time of the QSO. For sure, the handling needs getting used to but you will see in a little while how fast the UTC input can be managed:
As soon as the cell gets the focus, the cursor will be placed on the last digit of the time. If the „Fast append mode" is activated, a key press on a figure key results in a move to the next QSO. If the time is now declining against the previous QSO, then the time will be incremented by 10 minutes. This results possibly in increments of hour or date as well. A changed date will be taken over for every following QSO. This means, using the cursor keys is needed only if there is a time gap of 10 minutes or more.
Example 1 for UTC input:
QSO1: UTC = 0815
QSO2: Typing a ‚3' at the last digit results in a changed UTC of 0823
Example 2 for UTC input:
QSO1: UTC = 2359, Date = 01.Jan.2000
QSO2: Typing a ‚0' at the last digit results in both, a changed UTC of 0000 and a changed date of 02.Jan.2000
Columns „RST"
These columns are to edit sent & received RST. Since in most of the cases only the "S" of RST is of interest, the cursor will be placed at the 2nd digit after the cell got the focus.
Column for sent exchanged number(s)
If you type a log, it is normally not necessary to edit something here. The values of this column will be filled automatically either with previously prompted constant numbers or with consecutive numbers. The column header titles differ depending on the contest and the language.
Columns for received exchanged numbers
If you edit an existing LM log, there is nothing mind for these columns. Otherwise (thus if you are typing a paper log), LM tries to take over as much edit work as possible:
At contests with zones as received numbers (e.g. CQWWDX), LM proposes the assigned zone for the specific country. If there is no zone directly assignable (if there is more than one zone), LM places a drop-down list within the cell where the user is able to choose the correct zone (Example: CQWWDX, QSO with AA7A, a list with the zones 3,4 and 5 will be displayed, in which zone 3 is selected by default).
At contests with member numbers (e.g. HSC Contest, AGCW Happy-New-Year-Contest), LM lists the numbers already during the call sign input automatically in the right column. There's nothing more to edit.
If the received number is a constant (repetitive) number and the same station has been worked before (e.g. on another band), LM recommends the already received number. In all other cases the number of the previous QSO will be proposed by default.
See also: „Fast append mode", Assignment tables
Columns for multipliers
These columns are not directly accessible, they will be filled automatically during the Log compilation depending on the contest rules. The column header titles differ depending on the contest and the language.
Column „Points"
This column is not directly accessible, it will be filled automatically during the Log compilation depending on the contest rules.
Columnn „Flags"
This column will be filled by LM and is not directly accessible. Here you will find abbreviated informations (flags) about the assigned QSO (See also: List of QSO flags)
Note, that QSO data cannot be edited when the log is write protected.
See also
The log editor
Compiling the log
Assignment tables
Fast append mode
List of QSO flags