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CT import
CT (by K1EA) stores the the QSO data in binary files with the extension BIN and QTC data in files with the extension QTC where necessary. LM is able to read files that have been created with one of the CT versions 8, 9 or 10.
Please check at contests, which are separated into different contests in LM but not in CT (e.g. CQ-WW-DX CW and SSB), the correct assignment of the contest in the Header data dialog.
For the QTC file import (affects the WAEDC only) please note that the names of both the BIN and the QTC file has to correspond (e.g. DL0XM.BIN and DL0XM.QTC) and that both files are located within the same directory. To involve a QTC file in the CT data convert automatically, the option "Convert additionally QTC file if available" in the Options dialog has to be enabled.
Menu: File | Import | CT data files (*.bin)
See also
Import of foreign formats to LM