- Index
Assignment tables and lists
To assign callsigns to their exchanged numbers and to assign exchanged numbers to their "infinitive" automatically, LM works internally with so called assignment tables. These tables are located as text files in several subfolders of the LM program data folder and can be edited by the user if required.
The following lists and tables are in use by LM:
Member lists
Access over menu item "File | Show LM program data | Member lists"
Name Contest Remarks
AGCWmbr.lm AGCW Happy-New-Year-Contest Member list of AGCW
HSCMbr.lm HSC-Contest Member list of HSC
HADXCMbr.lm HA-DX-Contest Member list of HA-DX club
PROCWMbr.lm TOP OF OPERATORS ACTIVITY Contest (TAC) Member list of PRO-CW club
Country files
Access over menu item "File | Show LM program data | Country files"
Name Contest Remarks
cty.dat All Country file
eu_cty.dat UBA Contest List of countries which belong to the European Union
r150s.dat CQ-Mir Contest Special country file including R-150-S entities
Assignment tables
Access over menu item "File | Show LM program data | Assignment tables"
Name Contest Remarks
ar10.dat ARRL 10m-Contest States, provinces and regions
ar160.dat ARRL 160m-Contest States and provinces
ardxdx.dat ARRL DX Contest States and provinces
cq160.dat CQ WW 160m Contest States and provinces
oblast.dat Russian DX Contest To assign the Russian oblast to the call sign automatically
okom.dat OK/OM DX Contest (non OK/OM) OK/OM districts for automated creation of a drop-down list with the call area related districts while editing the rcvd numbers
dok.dat DARC Weihnachtswettbewerb (XMAS contest) WAG Contest DARC 10-m-Contest List of German "DOKs" for automated assignment of related DOKs to the call signs while editing the rcvd numbers. This list is more or less empty but can be extended by any DOK (sorry, a complete DOK list cannot be provided).
hadx.dat HA DX Contest (non HA) HA districts for automated creation of a drop-down list with the call area related districts while editing the rcvd numbers
yodx.dat YO DX Contest (non YO) YO counties for automated creation of a drop-down list with the call area related counties while editing the rcvd numbers
jadx.dat JA International Contest (non JA) JA prefectures for automated creation of a drop-down list with the call area related prefectures while editing the rcvd numbers. Setting 7K/L/M/N callsigns to JA1 and the assignment of JD1 prefectures is "hard coded"
ari.dat ARI International DX Contest Italian provinces for automated creation of a drop-down list with the call area related provinces while editing the rcvd numbers
uba.dat UBA Contest Belgian provinces for creation of a drop-down list with all the provinces while editing the rcvd numbers (sorry, there is no call area assignment possible)
spdx.dat SP DX Contest Polish Wojewodztwo for creation of a drop-down list with all the Wojewodztwo while editing the rcvd numbers (sorry, there is no call area assignment possible)
lzdx.dat LZ DX Contest Bulgarian districts for creation of a drop-down list with all the districts while editing the rcvd numbers (sorry, there is no call area assignment possible)
ukrain.dat Ukrainian DX Contest Ukrainian oblasts for creation of a drop-down list with all the oblasts while editing the rcvd numbers (sorry, there is no call area assignment possible)
helvetia.dat Helvetia Contest, USKA-Weihnachtswettbewerb Swiss cantons for creation of a drop-down list with all the cantons while editing the rcvd numbers (sorry, there is no call area assignment possible)
pacc.dat PACC Contest Netherlands provinces for creation of a drop-down list with all the cantons while editing the rcvd numbers (sorry, there is no call area assignment possible)
ea_provinces.dat King of Spain Contest Spanish provinces for automated creation of a drop-down list with the call area related provinces while editing the rcvd numbers
dtc.dat Deutscher Telegraphie Contest List of special callsigns
hessencontest.dat Hessencontest List of valuable DOKs and SDOKs
thueringencontest.dat Thueringen-Contest List of valuable DOKs and SDOKs
zdok.dat VFDB Z-Contest List of valuable DOKs and SDOKs
vfdb_stn.dat VFDB Z-Contest List of valuable VFDB Stations
cctld.dat International HF "Bucuresti" Contest To assign callsign entity codes to their country code top level domain (ccTLD)
bucuresti.dat International HF "Bucuresti" Contest YO counties (judete) for automated creation of a drop-down list with the call area related counties while editing the rcvd numbers (includes the Bucharest districts XA..XF)
pa_beker.dat PA-Beker Contest Dutch regions to assign differently written numbers correctly
wna.dat Westfalen Nord Aktivitätstag List of valuable DOKs and SDOKs
See also
LM file structure
Country file
The log editor
Edit QSO data
Compiling the log
Handling of incorrect QSOs