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Send log by E-Mail
For sending the log by E-Mail it is recommended to use the action "Finalize log". That function takes over all required preliminaries like log saving and export as well as calling the E-Mail sending action itself.
Alternatively you can send the log directly out of the log editor (button in the output area tool bar). To do that, the output page with the format to be sent must be the active one (see Output area).
No matter which way you choose, you will be prompted to export the log into a appropriate format and to store it locally in any case. That saved file will be integrated into the E-Mail to be sent as attachment. Prior sending, the E-Mail function will check if the attached file is one of the standard formats STF or Cabrillo. If not, you will get a warning.
LM provides several options to send the log as E-Mail to the contest editor. It depends on the option "E-Mail type" (tab "E-Mail preferences") in the Options-Dialog, which mechanism is to be started:
Way 1: Send log using the integrated E-Mail client (recommended). More information...
Way 2: Create an E-Mail automatically, ready to be sent by the default E-Mail application ("MAPI interface"). More information...
Way 3: Save and send log manually by user.
See also
Finalize log
Export log
Output area
Options dialog
E-Mail address list