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Export Log to other formats
LM offers several export functions to put out the log into common formats. Besides standard formats like STF and Cabrillo which are expected today by the contest editors, LM provides further interfaces to programs like Swisslog, BV, dBase data bases, CT, Excel, several logbook software etc.
To export the log, in most of the cases you can choose between two different ways. The first way is to view the log in the Output area of the Log editor. You may edit it there, you can print it out or you can send it directly by E-Mail. Please, do not change anything if you are not familiar with the format! The right way to edit common header data is the Header data dialog. The right way to edit QSO data is the Log editor!
The second way delivers basically the same result: The data can be written into a file directly using the menu item "File | Export".
What formats/files is LM able to export?
Comments (default file extension *.ubn)
Here you will find a summary of all the QSO Comments. Background is that a CrossCheck program that is attached to the LMF format will write the check results (Unique, Bad, Not in log etc.) into the QSO comments. Therefore a summary of all comments can be used as an UBN file.
Results (default file extension *.sum)
This is a result table in classic style as it was used in the past as front page for log submissions. In the era of STF and Cabrillo, classic result files are not required anymore, but you can use them as a result overview for yourself.
STF (default file extension *.stf)
STF is the today's standard format for log submissions within Germany and more and more worldwide. By default, your STF file should be complete. Anyway, please check if the header data are correct. Further information about the STF format are available at this web site (see also STF-Import)
Cabrillo (default file extension *.log)
Cabrillo is yet another standard format, specified by the ARRL. Some contest editors expect that format obligatory. The Cabrillo file as written equals to Cabrillo spec version 3 and contains all required data. Further information about the Cabrillo format are available at this web site (see also Cabrillo import)
ADIF (default file extension *.adi)
The ADIF format (amateur data interchange format) has been defined as an universal interface to exchange data between logbook programs. With ADIF you should become able to merge your contest log into your logbook log. Please, don't do any change at the ADIF file due to the sensible file structure. Further information about the ADIF format are available at this web site. (See also: ADIF export configuration, ADIF import)
RES (default file extension *.res)
The RES-format was one of the standard formats in the past and is a precursor of STF and Cabrillo. The format can be read by CT or by the QSL management program BV by DF3CB.
Swisslog (default file extension *.swi)
Here you can export you log data into a texfile that can be read by Swisslog (Swisslog is a popular logbook software by HB9BJS, today available as public domain software). The exported SWI file has to be converted in "real" Swisslog format using the program SWISSLCO.EXE which is part of Swisslog. The field order has to be defined as follows:
From Swisslog-Version 3.B2 on, the program SWISSCLO has to know the date format of the SWI file additionally: YYYYMMDD. This solution seems to be a little circumstantially but it is needed for backward compatibility with former Swisslog versions.
The result is a *.DAT file (Swisslog format) the can be included in your logbook using the Swisslog MERGE function (see also the Swisslog documentation).
DBase (default file extension *.dbf)
DBase file cannot be seen in the im Output area of the log editor, due to their binary file structure. They can be written using the menu item "File | Export | dBase". Dbase is a common database format that can be included in any database software as well as in Excel. The structure of the LM created dBase file follows the logbook program "Log-Projekt" by DH0HQI and can be involved there directly.
Menü: File | Export
Menu and toolbar icon:
See also
The output area
Import of foreign formats to LM